গোয়েন্দা অফিসে ৩০২৩০ পর্যন বেতনে নিয়োগ শুরু - শিক্ষা HSC থেকে শুরু - A job circular form vatintelligent

Position Name:
High Quality Assistant, Computer Operator, Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist, Driver.
These are the four different vacant position for which the Vat intelligent has published a new job circular. The application taking will be started on 15th January, 2023 and will be ended on February 5th, 2023.
Application will be taken by online and has to obviously submit application within the due date.
To submit the application, the applicant has to browse the weblink vataii.teletalk.com.bd
On that link, the applicant will find all the necessary instruction for submitting the application.
Thank you for being with us. Best wishes.


  1. আমি এই চাকরি করতে চাই কিন্তু কিভাবে আবেদন করব

  2. আবেদন কীভাবে জমা দিবো


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